Frequently Asked Questions
The FAQ below answers some common questions about automation and the Archmage Splinterlands bot.

What is Splinterlands?
Splinterlands is a collectible card game that uses virtual cards. Because you can earn cryptocurrency from matches without any risk, the game has been called 'play to earn'.
What is Archmage?
Archmage provides services related to Splinterlands. At present, Archmage has one offering, a bot that completes ranked battles for you. The bot is fully hosted by Archmage. We intend to offer further services in future.
What is a bot?
A Splinterlands bot is a piece of software that automates part of the Splinterlands game. There are many different bots for different purposes. The Archmage Splinterlands bot plays your ranked battles for you and claims your daily rewards.
What is a token?
Our access passes, ARCHMAGEA, ARCHMAGEB and ARCHMAGE, are tokens on Hive Engine. A token is a piece of property. Ownership is stored on a blockchain. You can buy, sell or transfer an access token from Archmage at any time.
What is a Non-Fungible Token?
A Non-Fungible Token, or NFT, is a piece of property on a blockchain. But, unlike most tokens, no two are alike. NFTs, therefore, can be useful for tracking ownership of unique online assets, rather than ones that can be swapped for each other (fungible).
What is Hive?
Hive is a blockchain. The Hive cryptocurrency is tracked by that blockchain. The Hive blockchain can also track the ownership of its own NFTs. Splinterlands cards are NFTs based on Hive.
What are KeyChain and HiveSigner?
KeyChain and HiveSigner are ways that you can 'sign' Hive transactions. Just like a contract in real life, a cryptocurrency transaction needs to be signed to be valid. Archmage requires that you sign our configuration page so we know we have the right person.
Why should I use Archmage?
Whether you're an expert in the game or completely new, you can achieve a reasonable win rate with Archmage and claim rewards automatically, without the investment of a lot of time and effort.
Where can I find out more?
For full technical details of our plans, read the whitepaper. For official updates, follow the account on Hive blog. For more regular content, follow the archmage.courier account on Hive blog also.
When can I begin?
You can start now! All you need are a Splinterlands spellbook with 5000 collection power and an Archmage access pass. Fee Credits will be required to use Archmage after Main Launch.
How do I contact Archmage?
Our communications are primarily conducted through Discord. Join the Archmage Discord to chat with the team and users and to ask any questions you have.